SAT. MAY 17, 10AM

Registration opens 2/1/25

Lincoln Hills Golf Course, Hills Course

Saturday 5/17, 10am

$165 per player / foursome teams- (includes Infusion tourney tee, swag bag, lunch)

  • 8:30- Registration opens (raffles, snacks, bar, music)

  • 10:00- Shotgun starts (drinks, food, and games available on the holes)

  • 3:30- Lunch served (winner announcement, drinks and music), winner gets their name on the Annual Infusion Gold Keg Trophy

  • 5:30- 19th hole at Infusion Taproom

Registration opens 2/1/2025

Sponsorship (You choose your sponsorship level & hole – first come availability):

  • $400 Silver Hole- same as Bronze sponsorship PLUS business name listed on Infusion golf t-shirt (given to 144 golfers)

  • $450 Gold Hole- same as Silver sponsorship PLUS premier hole (longest drive & closest to the pin)

  • $550 Platinum Hole- same as Gold sponsorship PLUS premium plus hole (ONLY 2 available – inquire for details)

Sponsor Today

Select a level below to submit your donation!